Rejects of Society

Our Problem

In modern day society, teenagers are exposed to the idea that they aren't worth it and that they have no support at all. Such idea dehumanizes teenagers to the point where they actually believe so and they start going through many mental and emotional problems.


We call ourselves the "Rejects of Society" and we believe that no one should ever have to feel like if they were just born a mistake because of the way they dress, talk, or act. As a group we wanted to create an app that allows students of all ages to get the support that they've needed to "KNOW" that they are supported and are deserving of life like everyone else. Our app will help create a link between people who need help and those who want to offer help to boost a student's selfesteem and help them understand that they deserve to be treated equally just like the rest of the world.

These are our Wireframes


Click to view prototype